The Lies We Told

I chose The Lies We Told by Camilla Way from Book of the Month way back in October 2018, and I’m finally reading it. This mystery/thriller follows Clara, a woman living in London. Her boyfriend disappears without a trace. His friends assume he is out on a bit of a bender. Clara quickly realizes that her boyfriend was being stalked and works with his friends and family to do what she can to track him down. Along the way she discovers her boyfriend isn’t who she thought he was, nor is his family. While searching for him, Clara ends up caught up in some awful situations, too. This book was fast-paced and I liked the mystery. I was stumped for most of it, but when things came together, I quickly read to the end.

Rock Paper Scissors

It has been a while since I’ve had a one-day read, but Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Feeney got me back in the groove! I always feel so accomplished and refreshed when I’m able to read a book in one day. My Mondays are so long, I need my Sundays to be relaxing, and spending the day curled up with a book does it for me.

Marriages is on the rocks in this book. Adam and Amelia win a weekend getaway at an old church in the Scottish highlands. They arrive in the middle of an intense blizzard, and things are shrouded in mystery from the moment their car pulls onto the property. There are plenty of twists and turns in this one. The whole book just feels ominous and had me completely enthralled.

Girl A

One of the lovely humans who I swap books with loaned me Girl A by Abigail Dean. I didn’t know much about it, but I was glad I picked it up and read it really quickly! My true crime-loving self was into this book. I have this weird thing where I don’t buy or pick crime/mystery books for Book of the Month because I tend to read them so fast. I want to savor the books I buy for some reason!

Lex was known as Girl A – the girl who escaped the House of Horrors where her family lived when she was young. She and her siblings were abused and neglected by her parents growing up, eventually chained to her bed and unable to leave. Lex does escape and free the rest of her siblings. They are all adopted by different families and the book follows each of them as adults with flashbacks to their childhoods. I tore through this – the structure, characters and the mess it created in my brain was wonderful.

The River

I have had The River by Peter Heller on my TBR for a long time. I borrowed this ebook from the library. Two best friends who love the outdoors go on a canoe trip together in northern Canada. Well into their trip they realize they are racing a wildfire and a few other paddlers who have made them uneasy. Finally, they come across a man who says his wife is lost in the woods. This book is full of suspense as they fight for their lives – against nature and the other paddlers.

I gave this book five stars, it really worked for me! It was suspenseful, realistic, and the writing was excellent. I love the relationship between the two main characters. It was really well developed. I couldn’t put it down when I was reading it, and I’ve found myself thinking about it while I’m out in the woods or on the boat. It’s one that just really stuck with me!